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Tinea refers to a fungal infection of the skin, hair or nails. It commonly appears as “ringworm” on the skin, a rash in the folds of the body (“jockey itch”), peeling over the feet or crumbly, discoloured toenails. The dermatologists at Atlantic Dermatology and Laser will not only counsel you with regards to keeping the skin dry to prevent the fungal infection from recurring but will also offer therapeutic options to treat the current active infection. An untreated fungal infection of the toenails not only causes unsightly nails but can provide a source of infection which can then spread to other areas of the body or even trigger “auto-sensitization” resulting in patches of eczema developing. We will look closely at your medical history and current medications to assess which treatment will be both effective and safe. In some cases, we may be required to take a little scraping of the skin or nails to confirm the diagnosis with microscopy or culture.


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